Club Training and Funding Support Policy
The Club recognises the importance of ongoing training for Club members engaged in activities at, for or on behalf of the Club. The Club therefore encourages all members to identify training courses which will provide them with the next step along their own personal development journey.
Committee members should make Club members aware of appropriate training opportunities when they become available and encourage participation. Likewise, Club members should feel empowered to identify training opportunities which suit them.
The Club specifically encourages its members to pursue Instructor, Coach or Leader qualifications as key elements of the Clubs development plan but recognise there is an associated financial burden.
Whilst candidates will be expected to make their own contribution to the cost of training, there are bursaries available from a number of sources, including Cumberland Council and Cumbria Canoeists, aimed at financially supporting the development of Instructors, Coaches and Leaders. The Club is happy provide a letter of recommendation to those organisations when a request for support is agreed.
Individual requests for support will be assessed on merit, taking into account things like length of membership at the Club, current level of volunteering at the Club, the relevance of the training or qualification and future predictions of potential volunteering at the club or in the wider paddling community.
Generally, Club members should be willing to pay the initial cost of the course(s) with bursaries being refunded post activity. The Committee may decide to provide up-front costs in certain circumstances.
The Club may also decide to provide a financial contribution in support of any training. Where applicants apply for all available grants or bursaries, the club will contribute up to 50% of the outstanding amount.
As well as financial support, the Club can also provide access to mentoring support and opportunities to practice skills learned.
Club members wishing to apply for funding support should email the Club Secretary with details of their training aspiration, how this fits into their own overall development plan and any supporting information. In general applicants should not leave it to the last minute to apply for support.
In circumstances where a quick decision is required, e.g. when places become available on courses at short notice, the Chairperson, Treasurer and Fundraising Officer can approve such requests up to a value of £200 per person.