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River Levels

CCC members frequently paddle local rivers when water levels are high enough. Rivers with larger catchment areas Eden, Nith, Lune, (Kent) stay paddleable longer after rain, the rest rise and fall quickly.

Information about river levels can be found for Scottish rivers at – , and have links to the SEPA web site for graphs which indicate trends in water levels.

Information about river levels can be found for British rivers at – , both sites have useful colour coded level indications and River difficulty grading, links to guides, maps and etc.

It is important to note that recorded levels are not live but registered 2 or3 times a day, so the recorded level of the ESK all morning is that of at around 6-7am. So noting the trends in level is important and rain radar sites can be useful in predicting levels and

Finally there are increasing numbers of webcams being set up at river sites and on surf beaches for surfers and sea paddlers. Destination +webcam in your browser is a good way to start finding them eg Annan webcam, Eden webcam.

Sands Rapid club session paddling guidance

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